Live, Die, and Take Notes

Anat Weinstein



ONE DAY I woke up from my life. I woke up the same way you suddenly realize, late in the afternoon, that you have been watching TV for so long that there is not much left of the day. I was in my mid-thirties. I looked at my life and saw that I had spent it all on the story of myself. And I realized that there had to be more to life than that. At that time I was in the habit of spending about eight hours every day in a cubicle, working as a mechanical engineer. The economy was going downhill, and the company I was working for did not have many projects to work on. As a result, I spent many hours each day in that cubicle without much work to do — at least not the kind I was supposed to get paid for. I had a lot of free time to think.

For whatever reason, my mind chose to focus on the mystery of existence. I kept asking myself: Why am I here? Why am I alive? What is life, anyway? In an attempt to find answers, I did what I usually do to find information: I googled “the meaning of life.” I did not find any satisfactory answers that way. Looking into religious materials did not even cross my mind. I grew up in Israel, where there is no separation between state and religion. I had to study the Old Testament at school, but it never made sense to me. I found too many contradictions in it and could not believe in a violent and vengeful God. I then proceeded to read about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. According to that theory, time does not actually exist, and if time does not exist that means space does not exist either. As Einstein famously put it: “Reality is an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

From there it was easy to deduce that I did not exist and neither did Descartes. He only thought he did. But what did all this mean? I felt as if a deep part of me knew the answers, but somehow I was unable to reach them. I felt as if I had amnesia, as if I did know but could not remember. Then the idea of hypnosis came to mind. I did not know much about hypnosis, but I thought it was a way to remember things that had been forgotten. I ordered a couple of books about self-hypnosis online. Increasingly obsessed with the meaning of life, I kept asking myself: Who am I? I felt that because I could not remember why I was here on earth, I could not know who I was. I am not my name; I am not my memories; I am not my job. I am not even my thoughts or my emotions. Finally, I am not my body. Then who am I?

I had tried discussing these issues with a few friends, but no one seemed to care. The topic did not seem to hold anyone’s interest but mine. While other people seemed to be busy with their day-to-day lives, I was consumed by the absence of apparent meaning in life. I continued to go to work and participate absent-mindedly in my everyday life, but my heart and my mind were elsewhere. Even though I perceived myself as an atheist, I found myself bargaining with some higher power I did not even believe existed. I made a list of all the things I was willing to give up in order to know the Truth: my money, my job, my friends, and my life. If I had been convinced that by ending my life I would get to the bottom of it, I would have ended it. I was not depressed or suicidal, only determined. I started to make vague threats to no one in particular: if someone did not show up and explain to me exactly why I was supposed to get up every morning and play my role in a script I had never agreed to, I would just stop.

I would not participate in life anymore. I would stay home and not move or make a sound until I understood. That’s it, I thought, I’ll quit. I was pretty sure, however, that this kind of “quitting” would end up with me in a straitjacket somewhere. Not an appealing thought! This went on for a while. Then somehow, without me even realizing it at first, my cry for help was answered. My journey to discover the Truth began over ten years ago. This is not the story of that incredible journey. This is about other stories, stories that are parts of the Truth I was seeking. As it happened, I never did read those books about self-hypnosis that I ordered. But more than three years later I started to study hypnosis and got professional training.

Change of Plans

LF Gillis

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Genna pulled her damp blonde hair into a high ponytail while admiring her husband’s reflection in the mirror. The way his gray eyes shined under the bright lights surrounding the mirror covered her skin in goosebumps. Ten years of marriage and he still made her weak in the knees. Too bad there wasn’t time to enjoy the feelings. “Are the girls about done eating? I want to clean the kitchen before I go to work.”

Jake slipped his arms around her waist. “I’ll take care of the cleanup. He pulled back the thin collar band on Genna’s loose fitting nurse’s uniform and kissed her neck. “I’m gonna miss having you next to me tonight.

Genna hated the way she looked in scrubs almost as much as she hated working triage. She didn’t know which was worse working twelve-hour shifts and being away from her family, or having three days off then leaving them just as they were getting used to having her around and awake for more than a few days at a time. “After I get my physician’s assistant license I’ll land a cushy job in a clinic and all these twelve-hour shifts will be a horrible memory.

“From your lips to God’s ear.” He reached around her and turned off the water dripping faucet. “The damn thing’s stripped bare.”

“Call the landlord.” Genna slipped out from between Jake and the sink.

“I did—two weeks ago.”

“Tell him to fix it or we’ll find another apartment.”

“Do you know where we can find another two-bedroom apartment, that we can afford, that’s right in the middle of our two jobs?”

“I can look around,” she said knowing there was nothing.

“If we moved to Morgansville we’d be able to live on Dad’s farm.”

Genna kissed her husband’s back. “One more year, Jake. I’ll have my PA license in another year, then we can talk about moving.”

The decision to go back to school and work didn’t come easily for either of them. School took up most of Genna’s time and forced her to work the evening shift, as the classes started at nine a.m. This meant the only time she had with her daughters was at dinner when she was waking up and they were eating and getting ready for bed.

She loved nursing, and as a licensed practical nurse, she was paid well. But PA’s were allowed their own patients. Genna’s ultimate goal was to become a doctor and open her own pediatric clinic. She sighed. That dream was still a few years off—more than a few.

Jake turned around. “I’m holdin’ you to that.”

Genna didn’t want to move to northern Florida, but Tampa was getting too big. They visited Jake’s dad’s farm—the place where Jake grew up—at least twice a year, on Christmas and during the summer. The whole family loved the freedom the place provided. Genna loved the beach, but she couldn’t deny the rationality of taking the family out of the city.

Generous Community

C Doyle. Andrew



On August 2, 2014, a large semi truck dropped off a gigantic dirt digger at the house across the street. Within fifteen minutes, it was destroying the 1960s ranch house that had most recently been the home of a series of renters. It is a scene familiar in Houston. Old homes, and just about anything that is left standing without purpose, is torn down so that a new something can be put up in its place. There is something that is both exciting and disturbing about this routine demolition. An architect friend once told me that not every house should be saved. Sometimes I think we think it is easier to simply discard the past and build a new thing.

I have discovered there is no real starting over. We are always walking into the future with a key ingredient of the past—ourselves. Lessons learned and lessons unlearned all come with us. The only thing new that is taken into the future is the lie that it is untouched and disconnected from all that comes before it. Bill Bryson, in his book At Home, writes, “Houses are amazingly complex repositories. What I found, to my great surprise, is that whatever happens in the world—whatever is discovered or created or bitterly fought over—eventually ends up, in one way or another, in your house. Wars, famines, the Industrial Revolution, the Enlightenment—they are all there in your sofas and chests of drawers, tucked into the folds of your curtains, in the downy softness of your pillows, in the paint on your walls and the water in your pipes.

The same is true for the Church—God’s house—in which we find ourselves. It is a storehouse of the past. It is filled with artifacts from the theology, liturgy, and Sunday Schools of our past. The culture has deposited here the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, the 1950s, and all manner of musical tastes. If we take a walk and make our way through God’s house, we will find some interesting truths about the past Church. If we look closer still, we will see the profound impact the last 200 years have had on who we think we are and how we use the buildings of our faith.

Mystery Diseases and Me

Ron Brunk

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Chapter 1
One Little Pill


It all began at 1:30 in the morning on February 17, 1995. I was working at home on my computer, writing software code for a coal analysis laboratory. This was a programming gig that I picked up as a third job, just to make some extra money and to push myself a little harder. Perfectionists and workaholics are like that.

My other two jobs were full-time management positions, one in a university research department and the other as director of mapping services for a local data analysis company. Fortunately, my two offices were right down the street from each other, and my employers were great people, very flexible, and easy to work with. As you may surmise, I was an extremely busy man, typically working 80 – 90 hours per week. But I was relatively successful, fairly stable, and as content as an energetic overachiever can possibly be.

I was married with three beautiful children, and we lived happily in a large, two-story, brick home with a full basement living area. It was three floors of comfort located in the same peaceful, small town where I’d been born, and where most of my family still lived. I even made time, as often as possible, to shoot baskets or play football in the back yard with the kids and their friends. I’d never had any health problems to speak of, and had always been convinced that there was nothing I could not do, no goal I could not accomplish.

Big Dreams, Scary Giants, And Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers: Letting God Make His Dreams For You Come True

Kristin Kay Johnson

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Dear Reader,

I want to share with you a message about love, grace, forgiveness, the calling of God, big dreams, scary giants, and grasshoppers. Although this story weaves throughout various events in my life to illustrate the relationship God desires to have with all His children, it is not just about me. It is about God and how He intervenes in the lives of His children , demonstrates His love for them, establishes a relationship with them, shows them His plan for their lives, and then works through the circumstances in their lives to accomplish His purposes. He does this through the lives of all His children, everywhere, and throughout all history.

If this story were about me, it would not be a beautiful heroine meets proud, handsome hero, “hate-turns-to-love-and-then-everyone-is-happy” Harlequin romance type of story. My story would be more this kind: I was sort of looking for God —but in all the wrong places. I didn’t really expect to find Him and wasn’t really listening to His voice. My life was a mess. I blamed God, but then cried out to Him for help. He reached out to me, changed my heart, and then my life was transformed to a life of joy and purpose. (All true, but that story will have to wait for another day.) He has given me a message to share with you, and that is what this book is about, His message.

With countless books written and published by famous household names of the day, you might be wondering why you should invest your time reading a book written by an ordinary, unknown, non-famous person like me. I understand your thinking. I am not trying to be self-deprecating or self-denigrating when I say, believe me, I was tempted to just forget it. The thought crept into my mind: Why bother writing a book that no one will read? God’s reply was forceful and immediate:

This is my book; my message. I gave you this message, but it is not meant only for you, but for them also. I will draw the people whom I have chosen to hear this message. They will read this book. I will accomplish it. I will perform it. If you are reading these words, it is because God has chosen you to hear His message and has drawn you to read them. A while back, I was asked to describe the people who would read this book.

The only answer I could give was: “I don’t know. God just told me the book was for them and I am not sure who ‘them’ are. It is enough that He knows who they are and it’s His job to draw them to the book.” He told me that my job was to write down what He told me to write down. So there you go; this story is for you— yes, you. I am not privy to knowing how or why God chose you to share in this story.

You may already have an intimate relationship with the Lord, spanning many years, or you may not know Him at all. I may not know you, the trials and tribulations you are going through, or what calling God has placed on your life, but God knows exactly who you are and all the rest. I pray that God will reveal Himself and His purposes for you as you read His message in this book.

Kristin Kay Johnson. Big Dreams, Scary Giants, and Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers (Kindle Locations 74-81). Kristin Kay Johnson.

A Spiritual Journey

Susan Kapatoes

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I WOULD LIKE to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each and every reader who happens upon these words. This book is a collection of life experiences and expressive thoughts that will help you awaken as you progress on your spiritual journey. By sharing moments of clarity that I have experienced during my life, I wish to inspire others to find their own inner clarity and sense of empowerment.

During this life, I have been graced by some unexpected events that have deeply touched my heart. These experiences have shown me that our daily lives can extend beyond the boundaries of our physical world, for I have discovered that our existence is also a spiritual one, coexisting with our human reality. Through these events I have recognized that the magnificence of love, both earthly and divine, are precious gifts that are with us every moment of every day. Remember this love as you walk your path. Within you lies an open road – let us walk this road together.

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